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Thread: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    I originally installed Ubuntu on ZFS 22.04 LTS with whatever GRUB it used. That was around end of May last year.
    I ran whatever updates Ubuntu pushed, which it installed a kernel update a few days prior to the reboot which never rebooted.
    It would be 22.04 unless I download a newer ISO to update the Ubuntu version, correct?

    Is there a command I can run at GRUB or the emergency menu to pull the info you seek?
    Guess I should remind you I know very little of Linux yet so need instruction if there is some method of getting information you need.

  2. #22
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    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    Sort of. But since you do not know a lot about Linux... Do what I say, without doing something further on your own please.

    At the Grub2 boot menu, Take a pciture of that meneu. Then press the <E> Key to show the main menu option's underlying code in an edit mode. Take a picture of that to post a link of or to upload as an attachment. I want to see what those say...

    Press the <Esc> key to get back to the Grub2 Main Menu. At the main menu, select Advanced Options, then select and earlier kernel with recovery. When it gets to the recovery menu, select 'netwroking', then select 'root'... Tell me if it gets to the root prompt.

    If it gets to the root prompt, type the command:
    zpool list
    Take a picture of the output. Leave it at that screen, while you post those.

    I'll check this at Lunch on my phone, then tonight.

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  3. #23
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    Feb 2024

    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    Tried but several issues.
    1st, I am moderately certain the menu it dumps me to is GRUB, not GRUB2. Photo uploading, shall link.
    The best I found regarding how to force the GRUB2 menu to appear was to "hold (right) shift" during boot, so I tried holding both shifts (separately) but got the same GRUB menu each time and it lacks the options you mentioned.
    Now here is the strange part:
    I did what I wrote before of configuring GRUB to boot to Ubuntu and it went to the emergency mode console again, but it was not rebooting when I typed the "systemctl reboot" command it said to use to reboot, so I tried the "press Ctrl-D to continue" option again for the hell of it but this time it went to the Ubuntu login screen displaying my user to log on.
    I did that option before when I posted of all that months ago but it never took me to the login screen.
    However, it seems to remain problematic because when I pressed Enter to login it went to a blank grey screen & stayed there until I hard-powered the system off because I could find no other method of rebooting or performing any action.

    I shall try again later when I have more time to get the "zpool list" you asked for, though I am not certain I can get that from the emergency mode console but think I can.
    Would it be acceptable to get that list from a live-boot session instead if not?

    The menu it dumps me to:

    That said, you mentioned some of what I thought were errors were merely warnings.
    1st, I posted anything resembling a possible error because I am not a Linux expert to determine whether it is of relevance to this issue, so I am not assuming anything either way but am guessing based on what I know.
    2nd, clarification would be nice. What were errors and what were not? Which of them is important or not?
    That could help me focus my research & effort.

  4. #24
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    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    Do you get to a Grub boot menu? Or just to a Grub command line prompt?

    Because that would be if it either just got to a Grub Command line prompt --OR-- if at the Grub boot menu, you pressed the <C> Key.

    Second, I asked you not to do "anything" on your own, which you ignored that and did anyways. The reason I asked you to agree to that, is (#1) We need to both know where you are with things, with the same understanding. (#2) If I am going to give you detailed instructions, I have to trust that you can follow them.

    This is not going to work if you can't follow instructions, or if you are not forthcoming with requested information.
    Last edited by MAFoElffen; April 27th, 2024 at 02:46 PM.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  5. #25
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    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    GRUB command prompt, I linked the photo.

    Regarding your next comment?
    I been trying to follow all your instructions since I initially posted, but you often ignore my questions.
    Your instructions are riddled with typos, errors, non-existent commands.
    I am doing my best to follow that but it is difficult.
    You asked me to do nothing on my own but I ignored it?
    You told me to perform an action I could not perform, so I tried to perform the part I *could* perform being to go through the GRUB console to access the root console to run "zpool import" (not "zpool list" because that command is again non-existent), so I was trying to do that and ended up at the login screen when I was trying to exit the console.
    And you are now criticizing me for that?
    I repeatedly explained errors in your instructions and repeatedly indicated I am new to Linux so need instruction but you AND 1fallen both failed to provide adequate instructions repeatedly.
    I explained all the problems I encountered trying to update GRUB as you instructed me to before but encountered an error where apt-update would not update GRUB because it thought it was already up-to-date so I asked if there was a method of removing GRUB to force it to update.
    1fallen responded to say he "hand-removed grub" but said nothing of how, so I again asked how and was again given no answer to that.
    You need to trust I can follow your instructions?
    Your instructions thus far have been ****, filled with errors & typos so they failed until *I* corrected them.
    Further, you *are not giving me* detailed instructions much of the time, you often gave generic statements like "update grub" and expected me to know how to do that despite me REPEATEDLY saying I was new to Linux and asking for instructions on how to do the things you asked.
    You are also yet to correct multiple of the errors I found in your posts which instructed how to perform the steps you thought would fix the issue but they did not for me, either because your solution does not apply to the cause of my problem or because your instructions are riddled with errors and I am doing my best to follow them despite my limited knowledge of Linux.
    You need to trust I can follow your instructions?
    I don't trust your instructions much at this point because I, a person who knows very little of Linux, am finding problems in almost all your commands and correcting them myself.
    I can follow your instructions better than you can write them, so be careful with who you blame there.
    And not forthcoming with information?
    I answered EVERY question you asked and gave you MASSIVELY more information than you apparently bothered reading much of the time while YOU ignored many of my questions and provided me with very little information.

    Can any better person help me at this point?

  6. #26
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    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    You have still not answered the questions or posted any of the information I requested from the last two posts of mine.

    Me not answering your questions from post #19... I started to write that out and figured much of what I wrote about the details of that was a waste of time explaining that to you... When time could be better spent and dealing with the real problems and getting you fixed.

    Yes. It does seem that you do not want my help. That is fine. I only have over 35 years of professional support experience, and have been using ZFS since 2005. I usually charge people for my services. I am a volunteer here. I do not "need" to help you. Maybe you need someone with other types of experience(?)

    Good luck with this. Lets just see if someone else here with ZFS experience volunteers to help you with this. My advice for you is to help people to be able to help you. Communications is the mutual understanding between all parties involved.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Re: Ubuntu on ZFS grub/boot failure

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonomnus View Post
    Can any better person help me at this point?
    You don't get much better than MAFoElffen, and without seeing what was asked, well No One is Happy here.

    I can see a high level of frustration for all concerned here. You with your current problem, and Us waiting to see stuff needed to help you.

    Best Regards
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